Thursday, November 17, 2011

Starting Out Fresh :)

Hello All!

So, here it is a blog produced by yours truely, a first time mother of one, My name is Nicole Henney and my beautiful daughter is Rylee, this blog is intended to keep mothers in their first year of motherhood and all those other mommys out there sane, or at least let you get away for 15 minutes and try to reclaim what sanity you have or had left, Ok, so lets rewind a bit here and get it straight! I love my baby girl Rylee to the end of the world and back and would bend over backwards daily and do for her....., but let's be honest we all need our alone time,  and a minute every now and then for a quick breather and of course a brief reminder why we love being mommys!! I hope not only to encourage these breaks so we all can be the best mommys we can be but also I hope to review some products, and other gear out there on the market that makes our jobs a pinch easier!! I would also love to show you all how to do it on a budget and finds steals of the century on these great products!! I am all for saving a little green. So, Stick with me and lets begin this journey together :) Feel Free to post about some adventures you've had as a mommy I would love to hear the stories!

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